Donor Journey Whitepaper

Build stronger supporter relationships across every stage of the  donor experience.

Brazilian children playing in the community
Fundraising is necessary but challenging work. Recent years have seen it grow more challenging in several ways. The percentage of Australians donating to nonprofits has been in decline for a decade, and last year’s combination of disasters — from a catastrophic bushfire season to COVID-19 pandemic conditions — have caused significant upheaval in Australian lives, which necessarily impacted the sector.

The donor journey isn’t always a linear one. Donors can move between stages for different reasons — finances, living situations, interests, preferences. However, it can be a useful model in considering specific tactics for managing your supporters. This paper has divided the donor journey into four distinct phases, based on the goal of the non-profit during each one: Reach, Acquire, Retain and Engage.

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Fundraising data partner

The DCA team have worked with fundraisers for over 20 years, and our team understands the unique challenges faced by industry professionals. Our solutions scale to suit fundraisers of all sizes, enabling data-driven success across all facets of your organisation. DCA are also proud to be a Fundraising Institute of Australia (FIA) National Sponsor and an adherent to the FIA Code of Conduct. Talk to us about your data needs today

“Interactions with DCA have always been really positive and professional, and the individuals we’ve had involved have set the standard for customer care. DCA know what they’re doing.”
David Overend
CIO Oxfam Australia

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