Publishers, manage your subscribers for less than $5 each

DCA is the industry leader, with more than ten years’ experience in subscription management and fulfilment services. As such, in partnership with Publishers DCA provides the customer service necessary for successful marketing campaigns including subscription renewals, acquisitions, cross-selling and up-selling.

Our in-house customer service team delivers a seamless service connecting your subscribers directly with your publication. To ensure quality, both our customer service team and call centre are based in the Melbourne head office.

By outsourcing your subscription management to DCA, your business gets a tailored end to end solution, including:

1. Representation of your publication’s brand at the first touch point with the subscriber.
2. Reduced operating costs.
3. Fewer staffing and administrative demands.
4. No subscription-management software licensing fees and reduced IT costs.
5. Your staff members have more time for their core activities.
6. Increased flexibility and scalability to match business growth.
7. Cross-selling and up-selling your publications to increase subscription rates.
8. Fully secure subscriber data.


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