Client Requirements

MS’s customer data was held across 120 data tables (comprising approx 300k contacts, 700k donations and 100k historical campaigns) and housed in multiple data sources including their Raisers Edge legacy system, Profero events databases and many different spreadsheets.

MS was also using Donman Donations Management System and The Care Manager (TCM), among others. These databases added another layer of complexity with more than 1 million associated records over 30 data tables and objects.  Having so many database systems with little data quality governance ever performed on them resulted in the following data problems:

  • Lacked full visibility of a single customer
  • The need to perform time-consuming manual processes
  • Multiple unconsolidated data sources
  • Customers duplicated across data sources
  • No consistent data definition • Same data items defined in different ways, i.e. too many customer attributes non standardised
  • Uncertainty about validity and integrity of data

In 2015 MS selected Salesforce to be their core CRM system as part of their digital transformation. The long-term aim was to migrate a large part of their current data away from these old on premise legacy systems and transition completely into the Cloud. In particular MS needed assistance to determine:

  • How much the data varies and what is required for different supporter types
  • Which data required cleansing • How many duplicates were in their databases
  • What data needed to be collected
  • A long term data strategy and phased approach of moving all their legacy systems into the cloud in Salesforce

Discover DCA’s solution

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