
What is data cleansing?
GlossaryModern businesses collect a lot of data. In the internet era, every transaction, visit, delivery, page view, click, and share is registered as a new data point. This is extremely useful, because that information can tell you a lot about how your business is performing and what strategies might improve that performance. But collecting a lot of data is no guarantee of data quality. And that’s where data cleansing comes in.

What is data cleansing?
GlossaryModern businesses collect a lot of data. In the internet era, every transaction, visit, delivery, page view, click, and share is registered as a new data point. This is extremely useful, because that information can tell you a lot about how your business is performing and what strategies might improve that performance. But collecting a lot of data is no guarantee of data quality. And that’s where data cleansing comes in.

Data democratisation: what is it and why are businesses doing it?
GlossaryWhat’s data democratisation? Data democratisation has become a popular industry phrase over the past couple of years. But what does “data democratisation” mean? “Democratisation” is the act of making something accessible to everyone. A company’s data assets, of course, are a resource that shouldn’t always be freely accessed by everyone, because it can be sensitive.

What is data privacy and why is it important?
GlossaryWhat is data privacy and why is it important? To get to the root of the matter, let’s start at the beginning: what’s privacy? At its most fundamental, “privacy” refers to the idea that we can restrict access to information about ourselves as individuals.