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Business Data

What will marketing automation really do for you?
Data Solutions, Business Data, Data-Driven MarketingEvery CMO faces the important and critical task of choosing the right marketing tools in an environment that includes digital marketing, big data, and the need for personalised and interactive conversations with customers.

Marketing versus Sales. Who claims glory at the end of the quarter?
Business Data, Data-Driven MarketingIt’s an age-old discussion that businesses around Australia grapple with daily: when revenue figures are up, is it the marketing team who generates the leads or the sales team who converted the leads who should claim the return on investment?

A New Year, a New Way of Resolving your Customer Data Issues
Business DataThere is a clear realisation that data is a valuable asset to any business and as such must be treated with the care and regard it deserves. IncNet, a B2B data research company, operating in Australia since 1989, provides 3 practical tips in resolving your customer data issues.