Everything starts with the data – getting a single customer view

With data – as with most things – it’s the quality that counts. More customer data does not mean more customers, no matter what you wish. Instead, what it often means is bad data: more duplicates, more incomplete information, more fragments, all of which lead to ineffective marketing campaigns and an inaccurate picture of your customer base. Or worse: incorrect customer details on your master database can prevent communications from reaching their intended recipients, creating bounce backs that (if unaddressed) occur week after week, month after month, playing havoc with the effectiveness of your marketing activities.

DCA Data Services focuses on providing businesses with a single-customer view across all data sources that is ongoing and truly 360 degrees. This can be the difference between a system containing more duplicates than customers and one in which each person is an individual matched across disparate data sets, with the data created at every interaction used to enhance and update their profile.

In today’s business environment, large, complex volumes of data are generated by customer activity across multiple touch points every second of the day. Typical data sources include cross-channel marketing (email and mobile campaign response data, social and website interaction and activity by visitors and followers ), finance, sales (transactional data), lead generation and operations. It is critical that a single view of a customer across all data sources which is true, clean and 360 degrees can be created and maintained. By partnering with DCA and establishing a business process for managing your data’s lifecycle, this will be ensured, providing:

  • A single source of truth for your customer’s profile
  • Optimisation of the full range of interactive, cross-channel marketing campaigns
  • An increased return on investment for your campaigns
  • Increased customer engagement

According to Andrew White, Group Manager of DCA Data Services,

Having the best possible foundation data is absolutely critical for running effective campaigns and knowing your customer base. At DCA we essentially collect, process and distribute data, but it’s how we do it and what we add to the process that sets us apart. We don’t just fix your data and give it back; we help you to develop business rules and can even write custom algorithms to keep improving your data and hence your knowledge of and relationship with your customers.”

DCA Data Services is all about the data, and our expertise is recognised by clients across all business sectors, as well as in government, digital agencies and technology vendors. Our range of services is as broad as our client base, including the optimisation of data, creation of specific databases, and the development of customised software solutions for both internal database maintenance and for conducting specific data-driven marketing campaigns.

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