Data-Driven Marketing

Digital 3D city

Driving an exceptional customer experience; Technology and a 360 degree customer view

Data-Driven Marketing

It’s been some time now since I returned from Salesforce’s 17th Dreamforce conference. That time has given me the opportunity to reflect on my experiences there, and how they fit into the broader context of the work I do day-to-day in my role as Isuzu Australia’s Customer Care Manager.

Women using voice search

Consumers show businesses how to use voice search

Business Data, Data-Driven Marketing

We’ve all been there: hands deep in marinade and we remember that we have to make a dinner reservation for tomorrow night or else there will be trouble with a capital T. These days, Australian consumers are increasingly comfortable saying “OK Google”, or “Hey Alexa” or “Siri” in order to find the restaurant, make the call and avoid Trouble.