Data Services
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The Anatomy of a Data Migration

Data Solutions, Data-Driven Marketing

Data migration means moving data permanently from one storage system to a different one. There are varied reasons for undertaking a data migration, from the obsolescence of older systems to novel marketing tools offered by a newer one that empowers a marketing strategy.

Why do organisations need data verification?

Data Solutions, Data-Driven Marketing

Data verification is the process of checking data against an additional, authoritative data set to make sure the information is accurate. Often, data verification is used to check the accuracy of data before it informs any decisions or anything is spent acting on it.

AI technology

What’s augmented intelligence?

Data Technology, Data Solutions

Augmented intelligence is an AI perspective that centres humans and focuses on the enhancing and assistive role that technology can play. In short, rather than replacing humans in workplace environments, augmented intelligence is AI that makes us better at what we do.

Automation for small businesses

Business Data, Data-Driven Marketing

For small businesses, automation may have a lot to offer, but it can also appear frustratingly complex and inaccessible. Perhaps there seems to be a lot to learn, and many convoluted systems to put in place or services to purchase before anything can really be achieved.